File version fields

Contains information about a file’s version.



Readonly __createdAt

__createdAt: TDatetime

Date and time of creation.

Readonly __createdBy

__createdBy: UserItemRef

Object’s author.

Optional Readonly __deletedAt

__deletedAt: TDatetime

Date and time of deletion.

Readonly __id

__id: string

ID of the object.


__name: TString

Name of the object.

Readonly __updatedAt

__updatedAt: TDatetime

Date and time of change.

Readonly __updatedBy

__updatedBy: UserItemRef

Author of the last change.

Readonly comment

comment: TString

Comment to the file version.

Readonly fileId

fileId: TString

File ID.

Readonly filename

filename: TString

Name of the file version.

Readonly hash

hash: TString

Id of the file's body stored in S3.

Hash is an ID used to link the body of the file in the S3 storage with the file in the system. This ID is unique for the file storage. It is specified as a UUID.

Readonly version

version: number

File version.