- Home [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
- Getting started
- Use cases
Object types
- DispositionType
- ProcessInstanceState
- ProcessTaskState
- ApplicationItemRegistration
- ApplicationProjectItem
- ApplicationProjectItemRef
- ApplicationProjectPlanElementItem
- ApplicationProjectPlanElementItemRef
- BaseApplicationItem
- BaseApplicationItemRef
- BaseItem
- BaseItemData
- CurrentUserItem
- DirectoryData
- DirectoryItem
- EmployeeItemData
- EmployeeItemParams
- EmployeeItemProcesses
- FileData
- FileItem
- FileItemRef
- FileVersionData
- FileVersionItem
- ImageData
- ImageItem
- ImageItemRef
- InstanceAddr
- Item
- ItemData
- ItemRef
- MailMessageData
- MailMessageItem
- MailMessageItemRef
- OrganisationStructureData
- OrganisationStructureItem
- OrganisationStructureItemRef
- ParamsItem
- ProcessInstanceData
- ProcessInstanceItem
- ProcessInstanceItemRef
- ProcessTaskData
- ProcessTaskItem
- ProcessTaskItemRef
- ProcessTemplate
- ProcessTimer
- ReminderData
- ReminderItem
- ReplacementData
- ReplacementItem
- StatusHistoryData
- StatusHistoryItem
- StatusHistoryItemRef
- TaskItemExit
- UserData
- UserGroupData
- UserGroupItem
- UserGroupItemRef
- UserItem
- UserItemRef
- ApplicationItem
- ApplicationItemRef
- Data types
- Global constants
- Work with apps
- Web requests
- Access permissions
- Document flow
- Live Chats
- “Code” widget
- Signatures
- Business calendars
- Integration with IP telephony
- Integration with email marketing services
Object types
Directory with files
The object is used to work with file directories. It allows performing operations with directories stored on the disk: get directories inside a directory, parent directories, or all child directories, create a new directory or delete an existing one, and get files from a directory.
Type parameters
I: Item<ItemData>
Readonly code
App code of the URL’s target (the app’s code).
Readonly data
Values of object’s fields.
Readonly fields
Description of the object’s fields.
Readonly id
ID of the URL’s target.
Readonly namespace
Namespace of the URL target (the code of the workspace that the app belongs to).
The method creates a new directory in the current directory.
// Example of creating a new directory in a user’s folder. We need to get the user, get the directory, and create a new directory in it let name = 'New directory name'; const user = await System. users.getCurrentUser() const searchDir = await System.directories. search(). where(di =>di.__id.eq(user.data.__id)). first(); const newDir = await searchDir.createChildren(name);
name: string
Returns Promise<DirectoryItem>
Directory object.
The method deletes the current directory.
// Example of deleting all directories created by a user const searchDirs = await System.directories.search(). where( di => di.__createdBy.eq('<some id>')). all(); for (let i = 0; i < searchDirs.length; i += 1) { await searchDirs[i].delete(); }
Returns Promise<number>
Response status.
Request complete data of a reference object.
Returns Promise<DirectoryItem>
The method gets all child directories.
// Example of getting all filed from child directories const children = await someDirectory.getChildren(); let allFilesInAllDirs :FileItem[]; parents.forEach(dir => { let files = dir.getFiles(); files.forEach(file =>{ allFilesInAllDirs.push(file); }) });
Returns Promise<DirectoryItem[]>
An array of child directory objects.
Deprecated. The method returns all child directories.
// Example of getting all filed from child directories const children = await someDirectory.getChildrens(); let allFilesInAllDirs :FileItem[]; parents.forEach(dir => { let files = dir.getFiles(); files.forEach(file =>{ allFilesInAllDirs.push(file); }) });
The method is deprecated. Avoid using it.
Returns Promise<DirectoryItem[]>
An array of child directory objects.
The method gets folders from the first-level nested directory.
//example of getting all files from child directories const dirsInDir = await someDirectory.getDirs(); let allFilesInAllDirs :FileItem[]; dirsInDir.forEach(dir => { let files = dir.getFiles(); files.forEach(file =>{ allFilesInAllDirs.push(file); }) });
Returns Promise<DirectoryItem[]>
An array of directory objects.
The method returns files from a directory.
//Example of getting links to files in a directory const filesInDir = await someDirectory.getFiles(); filesInDir.forEach( file => file.getDownloadUrl());
Returns Promise<FileItem[]>
An array of file objects from a directory.
The method returns the directory’s parent directories sorted according to the nesting order.
//Example of forming a path to a directory based on the obtained data about the parent directories const parents = await someDirectory.getParents(); let pathDir string = '/'; parents. forEach(dir => { pathDir = pathDir + dir.data.__name + '/' });
Returns Promise<DirectoryItem[]>
An array of parent directory objects.
The method returns permissions for a folder.
After successfully executing the request for permissions, you will receive a TPermissions object in the response. The received object can be modified or analyzed for various access checks.
const searchDir = await System.directories.search(). where(di => di.__id. eq('<some id>')). first(); const perm = await searchDir. getPermissions();
Returns Promise<TPermissions>
The method checks access permissions PermissionType.
The method allows for easy verification of the ability to perform the PermissionType operation with a folder. The method returns a flag indicating the result. If the flag value is
, the user can perform the requested operation with the folder. It is also possible to check access for org structure items.const user = Context.data. __createdBy; const searchDir = await System.directories.search(). where(di => di.__id.eq('<some id>')). first(); const canUpdate = await directory.hasPermission(user, PermissionType.DELETE); if (canUpdate) { await searchDir.delete(); }
orgunit: TPermissionOrgunit
type: PermissionType
Returns Promise<boolean>
Delete duplicate data in arrays.
The method deletes duplicates in fields that store arrays of links to system objects (users, files, app items, or documents). For example, you can call this method after bulk editing data within an object.
const app1 = await Context.data.app1.fetch(); const app2 = await Context.data.app2 .fetch(); app1.data.executors.push(app2.data.executors); app1.normalize(); // Now we need to go over the elements in the new array app1.data.executors .forEach( ... );
Returns void
The method sets access permissions for a folder.
Use this method to modify access rights to a folder: add or remove access rights for a user, group, or org chart item. To add new access rights, use the TPermissionValue object, and to grant rights for specific operations, use PermissionType. After creating a new TPermissions object , you need to use this method to save the new access rights.
const searchDir = await System.directories.search(). where(di => di.__id.eq('<some id>')). first(); const user = searchDir.data.__createdBy; const permissions = new Permissions([ new PermissionValue(user, [PermissionType.DELETE, PermissionType.READ]), ]); await directory.setPermissions(perms);
perms: TPermissions
Returns Promise<void>