- Home [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
- Getting started
- Use cases
- Object types
- Data types
- Global constants
- Work with apps
- Web requests
- Access permissions
- Document flow
- Live Chats
- “Code” widget
- DigitalSignIdentificationType
- DigitalSignRequestStatus
- EntitySignOperationStatus
- SignStatus
- SignType
- SignTypes
- CertData
- CertNames
- DigitalSign
- DigitalSignActualizationData
- DigitalSignItemData
- DigitalSignProviderRef
- DigitalSignRequest
- DigitalSignSearch
- DigitalSigns
- EntitySign
- EntitySignItem
- EntitySignSearch
- EntitySigns
- EntityVersion
- NewSign
- SignData
- SignDetails
- SignProvider
- SignProviderItem
- SignProviderSearch
- SignProviders
- Signs
- SignHash
- SignedContent
- Business calendars
- Integration with IP telephony
- Integration with email marketing services
Stores information about the signing of an app item. It includes methods for creating a file with the signature’s body and attributes and for getting detailed information about a signature.
Type parameters
I: Item<ItemData>
Readonly code
App code of the URL’s target (the app’s code).
Readonly data
Values of object’s fields.
Readonly fields
Description of the object’s fields.
Readonly id
ID of the URL’s target.
Readonly namespace
Namespace of the URL target (the code of the workspace that the app belongs to).
The method creates a file from the signed attributes of an app item.
Returns the values of the signed attributes as a file. The example shows how to extract all attribute signatures of an app item:
// The signature's ID is stored in the context const signId = Context.data. signId; if (!signId) { throw new Error('Signature ID not found'); } // Search for the signature by ID const sign = await System.signs. entitySigns.search().where(q => q.__id.eq(signId)).first(); if(!sign) { throw new Error('Signature not found'); } // Signature files request const awaitSigns = sign.signs.map(signData => signData. createAttributesFile()); // Wait for the requests to finish Context.data.signFiles = await Promise.all(awaitSigns);
Returns Promise<FileItem | undefined>
File with the attributes of an app item that have been signed.
The method generates a file with a signature.
The method returns a file with the signature’s content. It is used to get a signature’s body as a file. The example shows how to extract all file signatures of an app item:
// The signature's ID is stored in the context const signId = Context.data.signId; if (!signId) { throw new Error('Signature ID not found'); } // Search for the signature by ID const sign = await System.signs.entitySigns.search().where(q => q. __id.eq(signId)).first(); if(!sign) { throw new Error('Signature not found'); } // Signature files request const awaitSigns = sign.signs.map( signData => signData.createSignFile()); // Wait for the requests to finish Context.data.signFiles = await Promise.all(awaitSigns);
Returns Promise<FileItem>
File with the signature.
Request complete data of a reference object.
Returns Promise<EntitySignItem>
The method is used to get detailed information about the signature.
This method returns detailed information about the signature and the public key that was used to create it. The following information is extracted from the public key: attributes of the issuer and the owner, validity dates, and the public key’s name and serial number. The attributes are named according to RFC 2253, however, attributes that are not among standard CertNames fields are not encoded as hex. In the example, detailed information about a signature is extracted to save the certificate’s serial number to the process context:
// The signature’s ID is stored in the context const signId = Context.data.signId; if (!signId) { throw new Error('Signature ID not found'); } // Search for the signature by ID const sign = await System.signs.entitySigns.search().where(q => q.__id. eq(signId)).first(); if(!sign) { throw new Error('Signature not found'); } // Extracting the most recent signature from the history const lastSign = sign.signs[0]; if (!lastSign) { throw new Error('Signature needed to extract the data'); } // Extract the detailed information const signDetails = await lastSign.getDetails(); // Save the serial number of the certificate to the context Context.data.certificateId = signDetails. certSerialNumber;
Returns Promise<SignDetails>
Detailed information about the signature.
Delete duplicate data in arrays.
The method deletes duplicates in fields that store arrays of links to system objects (users, files, app items, or documents). For example, you can call this method after bulk editing data within an object.
const app1 = await Context.data.app1.fetch(); const app2 = await Context.data.app2 .fetch(); app1.data.executors.push(app2.data.executors); app1.normalize(); // Now we need to go over the elements in the new array app1.data.executors .forEach( ... );
Returns void
The method adds a comment to a signature.
After signing an item using an external provider, you can save the operation’ s result as a signature draft. The comment is added as a string. In the example, the comment is saved into the draft after signing with the external provider:
// Extracting the signature ID for the draft const draftSignId = Context.data.draftSignId; if (!draftSignId) { throw new Error('Signature ID is required'); } // Searching for the signature by ID const entitySign = await System.signs.entitySigns.search(). where(f => f.__id.eq(draftSignId)).first(); // Adding the content into the signature draft let comment = 'Some comment'; await entitySign. setComment(comment);
comment: string
Returns Promise<void>
The method sets the status of the app item signature request.
You can use this method to change a request’s status. Pass the new status to the method.
const entitySign = await System.signs. entitySigns.search().where(f => f.__id.eq('<some id>')).first(); // `getEntitySignStatus` is a function that returns the status that needs to be assigned // to the app item signature request const status = getEntitySignStatus(); await entitySign.setStatus(status);
status: EntitySignOperationStatus
Returns Promise<void>
The method uploads a signature’s body.
After a third-party provider performs signing, it is possible to save the result of this operation as a signature draft. The signature is uploaded as a file generated as the result of signing. The example shows how a signature can be saved as draft after signing by the external provider:
// Get the signature draft's ID const draftSignId = Context.data .draftSignId; if (!draftSignId) { throw new Error('Signature ID needed'); } // Search for the signature by ID const entitySign = await System.signs.entitySigns.search().where(f => f.__id.eq(draftSignId)).first(); // Get the signature obtained from a third-part provider; the name `getSignContentFromExternalProvider` is given as an example const sign = await getSignContentFromExternalProvider(); // Uploading the signature content to the draft await entitySign.uploadSign(sign);
sign: ArrayBuffer
Returns Promise<void>