- Home [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
- Getting started
- Use cases
Object types
- DispositionType
- ProcessInstanceState
- ProcessTaskState
- ApplicationItemRegistration
- ApplicationProjectItem
- ApplicationProjectItemRef
- ApplicationProjectPlanElementItem
- ApplicationProjectPlanElementItemRef
- BaseApplicationItem
- BaseApplicationItemRef
- BaseItem
- BaseItemData
- CurrentUserItem
- DirectoryData
- DirectoryItem
- EmployeeItemData
- EmployeeItemParams
- EmployeeItemProcesses
- FileData
- FileItem
- FileItemRef
- FileVersionData
- FileVersionItem
- ImageData
- ImageItem
- ImageItemRef
- InstanceAddr
- Item
- ItemData
- ItemRef
- MailMessageData
- MailMessageItem
- MailMessageItemRef
- OrganisationStructureData
- OrganisationStructureItem
- OrganisationStructureItemRef
- ParamsItem
- ProcessInstanceData
- ProcessInstanceItem
- ProcessInstanceItemRef
- ProcessTaskData
- ProcessTaskItem
- ProcessTaskItemRef
- ProcessTemplate
- ProcessTimer
- ReminderData
- ReminderItem
- ReplacementData
- ReplacementItem
- StatusHistoryData
- StatusHistoryItem
- StatusHistoryItemRef
- TaskItemExit
- UserData
- UserGroupData
- UserGroupItem
- UserGroupItemRef
- UserItem
- UserItemRef
- ApplicationItem
- ApplicationItemRef
- Data types
- Global constants
- Work with apps
- Web requests
- Access permissions
- Document flow
- Live Chats
- “Code” widget
- Signatures
- Business calendars
- Integration with IP telephony
- Integration with email marketing services
Object types
The object is used to work with files. It allows you to perform operations with files stored on the disk: to get links to download files, to save them, get access permissions, subscribe to app items, etc.
Type parameters
I: Item<ItemData>
Readonly code
App code of the URL’s target (the app’s code).
Readonly data
Values of object’s fields.
Readonly fields
Description of the object’s fields.
Readonly id
ID of the URL’s target.
Readonly namespace
Namespace of the URL target (the code of the workspace that the app belongs to).
The method creates a new version of a file.
The method allows you to update the content of a file on the disk without creating a new file. The version created via this method is saved in the file’s history. The method is used in cases when the file’s body can be obtained from different sources or generated in a script. The
field contains the description to the new version. In the example below you can see how to add a file version after uploading it from an external resource. As the comment, you can specify that the file is uploaded from an external resource. The context includes:downloadUrl
. A string that contains the URL from which the file is downloaded.newName
. The file’s new name.file
. The file stored on the disk.const fileResponse = await fetch(Context.data.downloadUrl); const fileContent = await fileResponse.arrayBuffer(); const newName = Context.data.fileName; await Context.data.file.addVersion(newName, fileContent, 'The file is uploaded from an external resource');
name: string
body: ArrayBuffer
Optional comment: undefined | string
Returns Promise<void>
The method creates a version by uploading a file via a link.
The shortcut version of this method, FileItem.addVersion, uses a download link to add a new file version. The link allows uploading the file’ s content, and a new file version is created from it. You can add a comment to the new file version. In the example below, you can see how to add a new file version using a download link. The context includes:
. A String type variable storing the file’s download link.newName
. The file’s new name.file
. The file on the disk.const newName = Context.data.fileName; await Context.data.file.addVersionFromLink( newName, Context.data.downloadUrl);
name: string
url: string
Optional comment: undefined | string
Returns Promise<void>
Delete a file.
The method moves the current file to the recycle bin for deletion.
// Example of deleting all files created by a user (some user_id) const userID = '1a8286d3-a222-4b8b-a860-84f6505a708a'; const searchFiles = await System.files.search(). where(file => file .__createdBy.eq(userID)). all(); for (let i = 0; i < searchFiles.length; i += 1) { await searchFiles[i].delete(); }
Returns Promise<void>
Request complete data of a reference object.
Returns Promise<FileItem>
The method returns a link to download a file’s content.
The URL can be used to get the file’s content. Using this link, even anonymous users can download the file. The download link is active for one hour. You can set how the file will be displayed, as an attachment or inline. The default value of the
parameter isattachment
.const url = await file.getDownloadUrl();
Optional dispositionType: DispositionType
Returns Promise<string>
The method gets the MD5 hash of the file.
In the example, the context includes the
field. It’s a file from the system.const hash = await file.getFileMD5Hash();
Returns Promise<string>
The method receives a file’s permissions.
After a successful permissions request, you will get a TPermissions object. This object can be modified or analyzed for various permission checks.
const perm = await file.getPermissions();
Returns Promise<TPermissions>
The method returns a permanent link to download a file’s content.
The returned link contains a redirect to the link with the file’s content. This link can be used only by authorized users who have sufficient permissions to download the file. The attachment type can be
. By default, thedispositionType
parameter is set toattachment
. The link is permanent. It exists until the file is deleted in the system.// Get the file’s ID const fileUUID = Context. data.fileID; if(!fileUUID) { return; } // Search for the file const file = await System.files.search().where(x => x.__id.eq(fileUUID)).first(); if(!file) { return; } // Get a permanent link to the file const url = file.getStaticDownloadUrl();
Optional dispositionType: DispositionType
Returns string
The method gets a list of a file’s versions.
The example shows how to search for the first file version. The file’s ID is retrieved from the context. To get all versions, use the
parameter. Versions are found in the descending order of the version number, from the most recent to older ones. The first version’s number is 1.// Get file ID const fileUUID = Context.data.fileID; if(!fileUUID) { return; } // Search for a file const file = await System.files.search().where(x => x.__id.eq(fileUUID)).first(); if(!file) { return; } // Get all file versions; if there are no versions, an error is returned let allFileVersions: FileVersionItem[] = []; let verCount = 0; let offset = 0; const limit = 20; do { const versions = await file. getVersions(limit, offset); verCount = versions.length; offset = offset + verCount; allFileVersions.push(...versions); } while (verCount === limit) if(!allFileVersions.length === 0) { throw new Error('The file has no versions'); } const firstVersion = allFileVersions.find(ver => ver.version === 1); // Get the file’s body const url = await firstVersion. getDownloadUrl(); const content = fetch(url);
Optional offset: undefined | number
Optional limit: undefined | number
Returns Promise<FileVersionItem[]>
The method checks access permissions PermissionType.
The method allows you to easily check whether it is possible to perform a PermissionType operation with a file. The method returns a flag. If its value is
, the user can perform the requested operation with the file. It is also possible to check access permissions for an org chart item.const user = Context.data.__createdBy; const canUpdate = await file.hasPermission(user, PermissionType.UPDATE);
group: TPermissionOrgunit
type: PermissionType
Returns Promise<boolean>
Move a file to another directory.
The method is used to move a file to the specified directory.
// Example of searching for all .doc и .docx files in a directory and moving them to another directory const directoryID = '0520723d-5e32-4d37 -8eca-175853a2ec88'; const searchFiles = await System.files.search(). where(file => file.directory.eq(directoryID)). all(); // Create a new directory const newDirectory = await System. directories.create('Documents', directoryID); searchFiles!.forEach(async file => { let format = file.data.__name.split('.').reverse()[0]; if (format=='doc' || format=='docx') { await file. move(newDirectory.data.__id); }; });
directoryID: string
Returns Promise<void>
Delete duplicate data in arrays.
The method deletes duplicates in fields that store arrays of links to system objects (users, files, app items, or documents). For example, you can call this method after bulk editing data within an object.
const app1 = await Context.data.app1.fetch(); const app2 = await Context.data.app2 .fetch(); app1.data.executors.push(app2.data.executors); app1.normalize(); // Now we need to go over the elements in the new array app1.data.executors .forEach( ... );
Returns void
Rename a file.
The method is used to change the current file’s name.
// Example of renaming a file used in the context const fileUUID = Context. data.fileID; if(!fileUUID) { return; } // Search for the file const file = await System.files.search().where(x => x.__id. eq(fileUUID)).first(); if(!file) { return; } await file. rename('New Name.txt');
newName: string
Returns Promise<void>
The method sets access permissions for a file.
This method is used when you need to change a file’s access settings by adding or deleting access permissions for a user, a group, or an org chart item. To add new access permissions, use the TPermissionValue object. To grant access to specific operations, use PermissionType. When a new TPermissions object is created, use the FileItem.setPermissions method to save the new access permissions.
const user = Context.data.__createdBy; const permissions = new Permissions([ new PermissionValue(user, [PermissionType.DELETE, PermissionType.READ]), ]); await file.setPermissions(perms);
perms: TPermissions
Returns Promise<void>
The method allows you to subscribe users to a file.
Subscribing to a file allows users to get notifications about changes made to the file, new versions, and other events.
Rest ...users: TUser[]
Пользователи для подписки.
Returns Promise<void>
The method allows you to unsubscribe users from a file.
Unsubscribing from a file allows you to stop getting notifications about changes made to the file.
Rest ...users: TUser[]
Пользователи для отписки.
Returns Promise<void>