- Home [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
- Getting started
- Use cases
Object types
- DispositionType
- ProcessInstanceState
- ProcessTaskState
- ApplicationItemRegistration
- ApplicationProjectItem
- ApplicationProjectItemRef
- ApplicationProjectPlanElementItem
- ApplicationProjectPlanElementItemRef
- BaseApplicationItem
- BaseApplicationItemRef
- BaseItem
- BaseItemData
- CurrentUserItem
- DirectoryData
- DirectoryItem
- EmployeeItemData
- EmployeeItemParams
- EmployeeItemProcesses
- FileData
- FileItem
- FileItemRef
- FileVersionData
- FileVersionItem
- ImageData
- ImageItem
- ImageItemRef
- InstanceAddr
- Item
- ItemData
- ItemRef
- MailMessageData
- MailMessageItem
- MailMessageItemRef
- OrganisationStructureData
- OrganisationStructureItem
- OrganisationStructureItemRef
- ParamsItem
- ProcessInstanceData
- ProcessInstanceItem
- ProcessInstanceItemRef
- ProcessTaskData
- ProcessTaskItem
- ProcessTaskItemRef
- ProcessTemplate
- ProcessTimer
- ReminderData
- ReminderItem
- ReplacementData
- ReplacementItem
- StatusHistoryData
- StatusHistoryItem
- StatusHistoryItemRef
- TaskItemExit
- UserData
- UserGroupData
- UserGroupItem
- UserGroupItemRef
- UserItem
- UserItemRef
- ApplicationItem
- ApplicationItemRef
- Data types
- Global constants
- Work with apps
- Web requests
- Access permissions
- Document flow
- Live Chats
- “Code” widget
- Signatures
- Business calendars
- Integration with IP telephony
- Integration with email marketing services
Object types
Org chart item object fields
Readonly __createdAt
Date and time of creation.
Readonly __createdBy
Object’s author.
Optional Readonly __deletedAt
Date and time of deletion.
Readonly __id
ID of the object.
Name of the object.
Readonly __updatedAt
Date and time of change.
Readonly __updatedBy
Author of the last change.
Name of the item.
Readonly parent
ID of the parent item.
Readonly sort
Location of the item on a certain level of the org chart tree/nested tree.
Affects only the display of the organizational chart.
Item type. Allowed values:
(see OrganisationStructureItemType).Properties