- Home [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
- Getting started
- Use cases
- Object types
- Data types
- Global constants
Work with apps
- ApplicationBatchDeleteBuilder
- ApplicationBatchSaveBuilder
- ApplicationBatchSaver
- ApplicationBatchUpdateBuilder
- ApplicationBatchUpdater
- ApplicationBatcher
- ApplicationFieldOperand
- BaseFieldOperand
- BaseGlobalFilters
- ComparableFieldOperand
- ContextOperand
- DirectoriesSearch
- DocflowSettings
- FieldArrayOperand
- FieldOperand
- FilesSearch
- FolderSettings
- GlobalFilters
- GlobalFiltersWithWhere
- LineApplicationFieldOperand
- MailMessageSearch
- NomenclatureRegistrationSettings
- OrganisationStructureSearch
- PhoneFieldOperand
- ProcessInstanceSearch
- ProcessInstanceTaskSearch
- RefItemFieldOperand
- RegistrationSettings
- ReminderSearch
- ReplacementSearch
- ReportSearch
- ResetSettings
- Search
- SerialData
- SerialSettings
- SignatureSettings
- StatusHistorySearch
- StringFieldOperand
- TDocTemplate
- TFolder
- TNomenclature
- TNomenclatureDirectory
- TSettings
- UpdateOperations
- UserGroupSearch
- UserSearch
- Web requests
- Access permissions
- Document flow
- Live Chats
- “Code” widget
- Signatures
- Business calendars
- Integration with IP telephony
- Integration with email marketing services
Object of app item update
The object allows basic configuration of batch updates:
Type parameters
TFull: ItemData
T: ItemData
P: ItemData
The method runs a batch update.
Returns the number of items that were actually updated according to ApplicationBatchUpdater.size, starting from [[ApplicationBatchUpdater. from]]. By default, the size of the updated items is limited to 10 entries. If you need to update more items, use the ApplicationBatchUpdater.size method.
const searchResults = await Application.update() .set('str', _ => 'test') .where((f, g) => g.and ( f. __deletedAt.eq(null), f.str.eq(null) )) .all();
Returns Promise<number>
The method allows skipping the set number of updated items.
n: number
Returns this
The method sets notifications for when app items are updated.
enabled: boolean
Returns this
The method allows setting rules for updating fields of app items in a collection.
Type parameters
K: keyof UpdatableItem<T>
f: K
v: UpdateClosure<UpdatableItem<TFull>, RemoveIndex<T>[K]>
Returns ApplicationBatchUpdater<TFull, Omit<RemoveIndex<T>, K>, P>
The method allows to limit the number of updated items.
n: number
Returns this
The method allows setting filtering for updated app items in a collection.
fc: FilterClosure<TFull>
Returns this