Validation result

This type allows you to form the result of custom form validation. It has a constructor. If you call it without specifying parameters, it returns an empty validation result object:

const result = new  ValidationResult();

You can pass the array of error messages (messages) and lists of errors in context fields (contextErrors and viewContextErrors) to the constructor.

const result = new  ValidationResult(
    [`All checkboxes on the form need to be checked`],  
        stringname: ['The value needs to be at least 10 characters  long'], 
        stringname_2: ['The value cannot be longer than 50  characters'], 
        number_1: ['The value needs to be  less than or equal to 50'], 

There can be several validation error messages for each context or View context field. If an error message with the same text is added for a context field with the same code, the duplicate is ignored. Example usage in a validation function:

const result = new ValidationResult();
if ( ! || < 10) { 
     result.addContextError('stringname', 'The value needs to be at least 10  characters long'); 
if (! || > 50) { 
    result.addViewContextError( 'number_1', 'The value needs to be shorter than or equal to 50 characters');  
return result; 


  • ValidationResult



contextErrors: object

Object that stores a list of unsuccessful validation results for context fields.

The key is the code of the context field, and the value is the array of the error description strings.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string[]

Readonly hasContextErrors

hasContextErrors: boolean

The property’s value is true if the validation of context fields was not successful.

Readonly hasViewContextErrors

hasViewContextErrors: boolean

The property’s value is true if the validation of View context fields was not successful.

Readonly isValid

isValid: boolean

Is trueif there are no validation errors.


messages: string[]

Array of unsuccessful validation.

Optional title

title: undefined | string

Header of the validation error message. You can set it if you want to overwrite the standard one.

For example:

result.title = 'You have to fill out all the  fields on the form to register the document';


viewContextErrors: object

Object that stores a list of unsuccessful validation results for View context fields.

The key is the code of a View context field, and the value is an array of error description strings.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string[]



  • addContextError(code: string, message: string): void
  • Add error of context field validation.

    For example:

    result.addContextError('stringname', 'The value  needs to be at least 10 characters long');


    • code: string
    • message: string

    Returns void


  • addMessage(errorMessage: string): void
  • Add validation error message without being tied to context fields.


    result.addMessage('All checkboxes on the form need  to be checked');


    • errorMessage: string

    Returns void


  • addViewContextError(code: string, message: string): void
  • Add a View context field validation error.

    For example:

    result.addViewContextError('stringname', 'The  value needs to be at least 10 characters long');


    • code: string
    • message: string

    Returns void


  • Merge the current unsuccessful validation result with another unsuccessful validation result.


    Returns void