
  • BaseList


Readonly __createdAt

__createdAt: TDatetime

Date of creation.

Readonly __createdBy

__createdBy: string

ID of the author.

Optional Readonly __deletedAt

__deletedAt: TDatetime

Date of deletion.

Readonly __id

__id: string

ID of the list/sheet.

Readonly __updatedAt

__updatedAt: TDatetime

Date of update.

Readonly __updatedBy

__updatedBy: string

ID of a user who edited the list/sheet.

Readonly respondents

respondents: Respondent[]

Participants of the process.

Readonly status


Readonly targetCode

targetCode: string

Code of the object sent for information/approval.

Readonly targetId

targetId: string

ID of the object sent for information/approval.

Readonly targetNamespace

targetNamespace: string

Workspace that the object sent for information/approval is located in.

Readonly targetVersion

targetVersion: string

Version of the object sent for information/approval.

Readonly type

List/sheet type.