Digital signature certificate

Certificates are issued using integrations with different providers that issue digital signature certificates and allow signing user data.

Type parameters



Readonly code

code: string

App code of the URL’s target (the app’s code).

Readonly data

data: Based<Partial<DigitalSignItemData>>

Values of object’s fields.

Readonly fields

fields: Readonly<object>

Description of the object’s fields.

Readonly id

id: string

ID of the URL’s target.

Readonly namespace

namespace: string

Namespace of the URL target (the code of the workspace that the app belongs to).



  • confirm(secret: string): Promise<boolean>
  • Confirm that a digital signature certificate has been issued.


    • secret: string

    Returns Promise<boolean>



  • Gets the identification type.

    The method returns a user identification type for digital signature certificate issuing. The example shows how you can define which actions will be executed based on the identification type used. First, let’s can get the most recent signature with the DigitalSigns.getLastRequest method. Now we need to determine what has to be done next: no action is required when authorizing with ESIA, but if a password is used for authorization, the password received from the provider needs to be entered.

    const lastDigitalSign = await System.signs.digitalSigns. getLastRequest();
    if (lastDigitalSign.getIdentification() ===  DigitalSignIdentificationType.ESIA) { 
        //  When authorizing with ESIA,  no action is required 
    if (lastDigitalSign. getIdentification() === DigitalSignIdentificationType.Secret) { 
        // When  authorizing with a password, we need to request it 
        await lastDigitalSign .getSecret(); 
        // Displaying a window to enter the password 
        // This  function is used as an example 
        // You can use any widget you prefer  here 

    Returns DigitalSignIdentificationType


  • normalize(): void
  • Delete duplicate data in arrays.

    The method deletes duplicates in fields that store arrays of links to system objects (users, files, app items, or documents). For example, you can call this method after bulk editing data within an object.

    const  app1 = await;
    const app2 = await .fetch();; 
    // Now we need to go over the elements in the new array .forEach( ... ); 

    Returns void


  • receiveSecret(): Promise<void>
  • Gets a password for personal identification of a user within a certificate issuing request.

    The method requests a password for the user from the provider. The provider then sends the password to the user using the contact information specified in the certificate request. The way the data is sent depends on the CSP and its settings. In the example below, we get the most recent certificate issuing request and get the password for it.

    // Get the most  recent request 
    const lastRequest = await System.signs.digitalSigns. getLastRequest(); 
    // Get the password for the request 
    await lastRequest. receiveSecret(); 

    Returns Promise<void>


  • setAlias(alias: string): Promise<void>
  • The method sets a name of a digital signature certificate.

    The method is used to set a user-friendly name for the user certificate. In the example we replaced a standard name of a digital signature certificate
    to a more user-firnely one, with an ID stored in the context:

    //Get digital signature ID from the context 
    const digitalSignId  =; 
    if (!digitalSignId) { 
        throw new Error( 'Digital signature ID not found'); 
    const digitalSign = await System.signs => q.__id.eq(digitalSign)).first(); 
    if  (!digitalSign) { 
        throw new Error('Digital signature not found'); 
    await digitalSign.setAlias('Jane Kelly's certificate'); 


    • alias: string

    Returns Promise<void>


  • setPublicKey(cert: ArrayBuffer): Promise<void>
  • Sets a public key for a certificate.

    The public key contains public information about the signature obtained from the provider. It needs to be specified using the ASN.1 DER encoding. It is stored in the system for stamping documents and getting information about the organization that issued the document. The example shows how to set a public key for a digital signature using its ID stored in the context:

    // Extract the ID of the signature from the context 
    const  digitalSignId =; 
    if (!digitalSignId) { 
         throw new Error('Signature ID not found'); 
    const digitalSign = await => q.__id.eq(digitalSign)). first(); 
    if (!digitalSign) { 
        throw new Error('Digital signature not  found'); 
    // Get the body of the digital signature from the provider 
    //  The `getCertDataFromExternalProvider` function is added as an example 
    const  certData = await getCertDataFromExternalProvider(); 
    // Set the public key  for the signature 
    await digitalSign.setPublicKey(certData); 


    • cert: ArrayBuffer

    Returns Promise<void>


  • The method changes the status of certificate issuing request.

    The method is used to change a request’s status when a signature is issued or when signing is canceled. Statuses show which stage in the issuing process the signature is currently going through. The list of statuses is available in the DigitalSignRequestStatus interface. In the example, we change the status of a request for a signature whose ID is stored in the context:

    // Extract the signature's id from the context  
    const digitalSignId =; 
    if (!digitalSignId) {  
        throw new Error('Signature ID not found'); 
    const digitalSign =  await => q.__id.eq(digitalSign)). first(); 
    if (!digitalSign) { 
        throw new Error('Digital signature not  found'); 
    await digitalSign.setStatus(DigitalSignRequestStatus.Approved);  


    Returns Promise<void>