Data of the Counter object

Data needed to set the counter’s increment. It also provides the counter’s next number.



Readonly __createdAt

__createdAt: TDatetime

Date and time of creation.

Readonly __createdBy

__createdBy: UserItemRef

Object’s author.

Optional Readonly __deletedAt

__deletedAt: TDatetime

Date and time of deletion.

Readonly __id

__id: string

ID of the object.


__name: TString

Name of the object.

Readonly __updatedAt

__updatedAt: TDatetime

Date and time of change.

Readonly __updatedBy

__updatedBy: UserItemRef

Author of the last change.

Readonly id

id: string

Number in the UUID format.

Readonly name

name: string


Readonly nextValue

nextValue: string

Next number.

Readonly settings

settings: SerialSettings


Readonly version

version: string

Version of the current counter.