Type parameters
Context: ProcessContext
- Process
Name of the process.
Code of the process template.
Readonly context
Description of the process context.
Workspace of the process template.
The method is used to search for process instances.
const instances = await Global.processes.my_process_1._searchInstances().all();
Returns ProcessInstanceSearch
Search object for processes.
The method searches for process tasks based on specified conditions.
const tasks = await Global.processes.my_process_1._searchTasks().all();
Returns ProcessInstanceTaskSearch
Search object for tasks.
The method launches the execution of a process.
When you start a process, you need to set the context data. Process context stores the data that a process works with while it is executed. Example:
async function runProcess(): Promise<void> { // Writing the `my_process` business process to the `processTemplate` variable // to be able to start it later const processTemplate = Global.processes. my_process; // Getting a document’s number from the context const documentNumber = Context.data.documentNumber; // Getting the author’s name from the context const authorName = Context.data.authorName; // Loading data using a function const bytesContent = await downloadDocumentFile(); // Creating a temporary file in the system to add it to the process’s context const temprorayFile = await System.files .createTemporary('file.docx', bytesContent); // Starting the process using its input data as the argument // The data is defined by the context of the process // Data transmission format is an object that has field codes //as keys await processTemplate.run({ authorName: authorName, documentContent: temprorayFile, documentNumber: documentNumber, }); }
context: Context
Returns Promise<TString>
ID of a launched process.
Process object
This object is used to start processes and search for process instances or process tasks. The Process.run method starts a process. [[Process. _searchInstances]] searches for process instances. Process._searchTasks searches for process tasks. Example of starting a process:
await Global.ns._clients.app._leads.processes._call.run({})