- Home [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
- Getting started
- Use cases
- Object types
Data types
- AccountType
- DynamicFieldType
- EmailType
- OrganisationStructureItemType
- PhoneType
- ReplacementType
- ServiceStatus
- UserStatus
- WatermarkPages
- WatermarkPosition
- AccountFieldTyped
- AccountFieldVoid
- ApplicationField
- Cell
- ClientEventField
- CookieOptions
- DatetimeFieldData
- DynamicBindingField
- DynamicBindingFields
- EnumField
- ErrorArgs
- ErrorObject
- FileField
- FloatFieldData
- GroupStatusField
- HttpResponse
- ImageField
- Language
- MailMessageAddress
- MailMessageAttachment
- MoneyFieldData
- Navigator
- Page
- ParseSpreadsheetOptions
- ParseSpreadsheetResponse
- RefItem
- ReportField
- ReportRef
- Role
- RoleField
- Row
- ServiceStatusInfo
- StaticApplicationFieldData
- StatusField
- TAccount
- TClientEvent
- TDate
- TDatetime
- TDuration
- TEmail
- TEnum
- TFullName
- TMoney
- TPhone
- TReport
- TStatus
- TTable
- TTime
- TTimezone
- TTimezones
- TableField
- UserField
- UserFieldData
- ValidationResult
- Watermark
- WidgetRefWithValues
- ReplacementTypeEnumBase
- RoleType
- TApplication
- TBoolean
- TCategory
- TFile
- TFloat
- TImage
- TLink
- TOAuth2
- TRole
- TString
- TUser
- Global constants
- Work with apps
- Web requests
- Access permissions
- Document flow
- Live Chats
- “Code” widget
- Signatures
- Business calendars
- Integration with IP telephony
- Integration with email marketing services
Description of a link to the widget
Readonly code
Code of the widget.
Readonly namespace
Namespace (workspace) of the widget.
Optional params
Parameters passed to the widget (an object whose keys correspond to the codes of the widget’s properties).