- CRM_Marketing_UnsubscribeAction
Subsciber's email to unsibscribe from preferred cateories.
ID of the preferred category in the email marketing service that the subscriber has to be unsubscribed from.
To unsubscribe a person from all the preferred categories, specify { all: true }
Action type.
Update subscription status action
Action that will result in unsubscribing a person from a preferred category.
function CRM_Marketing_ParseWebhookRequest(request: FetchRequest): CRM_Marketing_WebhookResult { return { actions: [ // Unsubscribe the person with email 'user@example.com' from category '1000'. { type: CRM_Marketing_ActionType.Unsubscribe, email: 'user@ example.com', externalId: '1000', }, // Unsubscribe the person with the email user2@example.com from all the preferred categories { type: CRM_Marketing_ActionType.Unsubscribe, email: 'user2@ example.com', externalId: { all: true }, } ]; } }