- Home [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
- Getting started
- Use cases
- Object types
Data types
- AccountType
- DynamicFieldType
- EmailType
- OrganisationStructureItemType
- PhoneType
- ReplacementType
- ServiceStatus
- UserStatus
- WatermarkPages
- WatermarkPosition
- AccountFieldTyped
- AccountFieldVoid
- ApplicationField
- Cell
- ClientEventField
- CookieOptions
- DatetimeFieldData
- DynamicBindingField
- DynamicBindingFields
- EnumField
- ErrorArgs
- ErrorObject
- FileField
- FloatFieldData
- GroupStatusField
- HttpResponse
- ImageField
- Language
- MailMessageAddress
- MailMessageAttachment
- MoneyFieldData
- Navigator
- Page
- ParseSpreadsheetOptions
- ParseSpreadsheetResponse
- RefItem
- ReportField
- ReportRef
- Role
- RoleField
- Row
- ServiceStatusInfo
- StaticApplicationFieldData
- StatusField
- TAccount
- TClientEvent
- TDate
- TDatetime
- TDuration
- TEmail
- TEnum
- TFullName
- TMoney
- TPhone
- TReport
- TStatus
- TTable
- TTime
- TTimezone
- TTimezones
- TableField
- UserField
- UserFieldData
- ValidationResult
- Watermark
- WidgetRefWithValues
- ReplacementTypeEnumBase
- RoleType
- TApplication
- TBoolean
- TCategory
- TFile
- TFloat
- TImage
- TLink
- TOAuth2
- TRole
- TString
- TUser
- Global constants
- Work with apps
- Web requests
- Access permissions
- Document flow
- Live Chats
- “Code” widget
- Signatures
- Business calendars
- Integration with IP telephony
- Integration with email marketing services
Data type for representing a phone number. The value of the field can be set in several ways. Single-type field:
// Set the phone number without an extension and type. Context.data.client_phone = Context.fields. client_phone.create('+40091234567');
// Set the phone number with an extension. Context.data.client_phone = Context.fields.client_phone. create('+40091234567', '123');
// Set the phone number with type and extension. Context.data.client_phone = { type: PhoneType.SomeType, tel: '40091234567', ext: '*100#' };
Field with subtype Multiple:
// Set the phone number and type without an extension. Context.data.client_phone_list = Context.fields.client_phone_list.create('+ 40091234567', PhoneType.SomeType);
// Set the phone number, type, and extension. Context.data.client_phone_list = Context.fields. client_phone_list.create('89991234567', PhoneType.SomeType, '123');
// Set multiple phone numbers with types and extensions. Context.data.client_phone_list = [ { type: PhoneType.Home, tel: '+ 40091234567', ext: '123' }, { type: PhoneType.Work, tel: '+40091234567', ext: '*100#' }, { type: PhoneType.Mobile, tel: '40091234567', ext: '#100# ' } ];
Note: When working with scripts, no validation of phone number format is performed.
Type parameters
T: PhoneType
Optional ext
Telephone number extension.
Phone type PhoneType.